Figure 4 shows the salinity differences between SMAP V5.0 and Argo averaged by different sea surface salinity (SST), wind speed and land fraction. White lines show the salinity differences and red lines show the standard deviations of the salinity differences. In V5.0, STD of the salinity differences are larger in cold water (SST<5°C). Although there is little data in warm water (SST>30°C) regions, strong negative differences are shown. STD is the lowest when the wind speed ranges from 5 m/s to 10 m/s. One update from V4.0 to V5.0 is that the land faction (fland) threshold for moderate land contamination was increased from 0.001 in V4.0 to 0.005 in V5.0. Figure 4c shows that this change in the threshold includes more salinity data with slight increases to the median and STD of salinity differences.