Collect appropriate in situ surface salinity data, compare with satellite surface salinity measurements, and make this data and the associated matchups available to the user community at large.
What data are used?
Satellite data include Aquarius, SMAP, and SMOS. In situ data include include salinity measurements collected by Argo profiling floats, moorings, drifters, gliders, and additional platforms included in the WOD, GTSPP, and ASBO databases. See Data Sources for more details.
How is the data processed?
Centered on the in situ data, satellite observations are averaged within a space-time window of 50-km radius and ±3.5 days for matchup comparisons. More details are described in the validation analysis reports and the matchup recommendation document, which can be found on our documents page.
Where is the data available?
Validation data are available at https://www.esr.org/data-products/svds/data.