Domain for AOTIM5 tide model (dashed black line); grid is idealized polar stereographic with uniform spacing of 5 km. Color scale shows depth (in meters).

Model and Software Summary

Model type:  Inverse + forward (depends on constituent)
Grid:  5-km uniform polar stereographic
Constituents:  M2, S2, N2, K2, K1, O1, P1, Q1
Citation:  L. Padman, S. Erofeeva, and S. Howard. 2020. AOTIM5: Arctic Ocean Inverse Tide Model, on 5 kilometer grid, developed in 2004. urn:node:ARCTIC. doi:10.18739/A2S17SS80.
Downloads:   Arctic Data Center: doi:10.18739/A2S17SS80


Additional notes:  A new version of the Arctic Ocean Inverse Tide Model (Arc5km2018) was developed in 2018. The solution was significantly improved by using new open boundary conditions (TPXO9.v1 elevations), leading to substantial improvements for the constituents where no data assimilation is used (N2, K2, P1, and Q1). Non-linear constituents – M4, MS4, MN4, and 2N2 – were added to the model, with no data assimilation.

We expect the performance of the updated version (2018) to be superior to the legacy version (2004).  However, we recommend that the user compare both models, and letting us know how they compare for specific applications, as this will guide further model developments.

Contact Laurie Padman for advice about the use of this model.