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  12. Gentemann, C.L, M. Fewings, and M. Garcia-Reyes, Coastal sea-surface temperature anomalies during the 2014-2016 northeast Pacific marine heat wave: regional variability, timing, and relation to wind stress, Geophy. Res. Lett. (in press).
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  17. Kilpatrick, K.A., Podestá, G., Walsh, S., Williams, E., Halliwell, V., Szczodrak, M., Brown, O.B., Minnett, P.J., & Evans, R. (2015). A decade of sea surface temperature from MODIS. Remote Sensing of Environment, 165, 27-41.
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  25. Marquis, J.W., A.S. Bogdanoff, J.R. Campbell, J.A. Cummings, D.L. Westphal, N.J. Smith, and J. Zhang 2016: Estimating Satellite Sea Surface Temperature Retrieval Cold Biases in the Tropics due to Unscreened Optically-Thin Cirrus Clouds. In Press: Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology.
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  31. Monier, A., R. M. Welsh, C. L. Gentemann, G. Weinstock, E. Sodergren, E. V. Armbrust, J. A. Eisen and A. Z. Worden, “Phytoplankton phosphate uptake and cross domain commonalities in viral-host gene exchanges” (2012), Environmental Microbiology, 14, 162-176, doi: 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2011.02576.x.
  32. Szczodrak, M., Minnett, P.J., & Evans, R.H. (2014). The effects of anomalous atmospheres on the accuracy of infrared sea-surface temperature retrievals: Dry air layer intrusions over the tropical ocean. Remote Sensing of Environment, 140, 450-465.
  33. Vazquez-Cuervo, J., Dewitte, B., Chin, T.M., Armstrong, E. M., Purca, S. and Alburqueque, E., (2013). “An analysis of SST gradients off the Peruvian Coast: The impact of going to higher resolution.” Remote Sensing of Environment 131: 76-84.
  34. Vazquez-Cuervo J., Dewitte, B., Menemenlis, D., Torres, H. S., Chin, T. M., Armstrong, E. M., (2016), Relationship between SST gradients and upwelling off Peru and Chile: Model/Data Analysis, under revision, Remote Sensing of the Environment.
  35. Walker, N. D., R. R. Leben, C. T. Pilley, M. Shannon, D. C. Herndon, I.-F. Pun, I.-I. Lin, and C. L. Gentemann (2014), Slow translation speed causes rapid collapse of northeast Pacific Hurricane Kenneth over cold core eddy, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 7595–7601, doi:10.1002/2014GL061584
  36. Wong, E., & Minnett, P.J. (2016). Retrieval of the ocean skin temperature profiles from measurements of infrared hyperspectral radiometers. Part I: Evaluation of the truncated singular value decomposition technique. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 54, 1879-1890.
  37. Wong, E., & Minnett, P.J. (2016). Retrieval of the ocean skin temperature profiles from measurements of infrared hyperspectral radiometers. Part II: Field data analysis. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 54, 1891-1904.
  38. Woods, S., P.J. Minnett, C.L. Gentemann, D. Bogucki. “Influence of the oceanic cool skin layer on global air–sea CO2 flux estimates”, (2014), Remote Sensing of Environment 145, 15-24.
  39. Zhu, X., P.J. Minnett, R. Berkelmans, J. Hendee & C. Manfrino (2014). Diurnal warming in shallow coastal seas: Observations from the Caribbean and Great Barrier Reef regions. Continental Shelf Research, 82, 85-98.
  40. Zhu, X., P.J. Minnett, H. Beggs and R. Berkelmans (2017). Thermal features and diurnal warming at the Great Barrier Reef derived from satellite data. Continental Shelf Research. In preparation.