ESR’s New Corporate Officers 

posted in: Company News

Earth and Space Research (ESR) is excited to announce a leadership change. ESR’s Board of Directors approved the following new leadership team of ESR scientists:  Julian Schanze – President, Michael Town – Vice President, and Jesse Anderson – Corporate Secretary. Congratulations to all.

Julian Schanze
Michael Town
Jesse Anderson

As part of this transition, ESR would like to express sincere gratitude to Susan Howard (departing Corporate Secretary) and Laurie Padman (departing President) for their years of service in these necessary but often unrewarding roles. Howard has been instrumental in refining ESR logistical and administrative practices. Padman was a sage and level leader for us throughout the pandemic. Both scientists are excited to shift their focus back to research, and we can’t wait to see what they will discover now that they are liberated from the yolk of administration!