AGU’s 2024 annual fall meeting is wrapped up last week in Washington D.C.! With over 27,000 attendees, the annual fall meeting is the largest gathering of earth and space scientists from around the world.
This year, Laurie Padman was honored in the AGU honors ceremony as an AGU 2024 Fellow.

ESR’s Susan Howard presented her work on Antarctic grounded icebergs in 2 poster sessions:
GC11I-0058 Freeboard Measurements of Antarctic Grounded Icebergs and Landfast Sea Ice Using ICESat-2 Laser Altimetry: S. L. Howard, A. D. Fraser, T. Sutterley, and L. Padman
C21F-0415 Antarctic Grounded Icebergs and Their Contribution to Coastal Sea Ice and Ocean Circulation: S. L. Howard, L. Padman, and A. D. Fraser
And ESR scientists were also co-authors on many other presentations. See the amazing science that we are involved in below and read the abstracts:
C11D-0502 Tidal Influence on Whillans Ice Plain Stick-Slip Motion from 11 Years of GNSS Data: Z. Katz, M. Siegfried and L. Padman
B11G-1399 Unlocking New Landsat Applications along the Antarctic Coastline using a Cloud-Based Open-Source Sea Surface Temperature Pipeline: T. Snow, E. Savidge, E. Abrahams, S. Grigsby, A. Harris, S. L. Howard, L. Padman, T. A. Scambos, C. A. Shuman, C. J. Crawford, and M. Siegfried
C11C-0461 How Greenland melts: high fidelity observations of the coupled climate system in Southwestern Greenland from summer 2024: M. Gallagher, V. P. Walden, M. Shupe, H. Guy, A. Martin, A. Sledd, C. Pettersen, R. Neely, H.-P. Marshall, R. L. Hawley, E. Olson, K. S. Mattingly, C. Hebson, W. D. Neff, D. Pickell, and M. S. Town
C11A-04 Understanding Ross Ice Shelf Stability from Radar Observed Basal Melt Rates: K. Tran, W. Chu, D. Yang, L. Padman, E. Dawson, S. I. Cordero, and D. M Schroeder
C13A-0509 Evaluating processes contributing to changes in Antarctic ice shelf buttressing, using ICESat-2 altimetry and WorldView stereo-photogrammetric DEMs: C. Roberts, H. A. Fricker, S. Adusumilli, L. Padman, and C. C Walker
NS33A-1210 Autonomous GPR Observations of Melt, Percolation, and Refreeze in the Percolation Zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet: L. Wilson, M. Gallagher, H. Guy, R. L. Hawley, H.-P. Marshall, C. Hebson, A. Martin, R. Neely, E. Olson, M. Shupe, M. S. Town, V. P. Walden, and A. Sledd
C33A-0415 Observing Antarctic grounding line migration with ICESat-2 altimetry: Bryony Freer, O. Marsh, H. A. Fricker, A. E. Hogg, L. Padman, M. Siegfried, D. Floricioiu, W. Sauthoff, R. Rigby, and S. Wilson
We are Looking forward to AGU 2025!